Isolation Cart – Mobile Solution Spotlight

El Dorado Hills, CA USA – Isolation Carts have rapidly increased in use over the past few years. This month’s “Mobile Solution Spotlight” winner comes to the top podium without competition. Hands down, pound for pound, dollar for dollar, healthcare professionals would be hard pressed to find anything close to this workhorse.
The Avalo AM-10-MC Isolation Cart by Capsa Solutions is a leader in it’s market. It’s unique HDPE material cart design make it inherently lightweight, scratch resistant, and able to handle the bumps and bruises over it’s lifetime travel. It’s 5″ precision ball bearing polyurethane all swivel casters enable it to roll with ease, and it is available with one, two or no handles. Isolation Cart favorite accessories like IV pole, Slide Thru Shelf, Sharps Bracket, Waste Container, and Label Holders can readily be added.
This Isolation Cart leader comes in Compact, Intermediate, and Standard heights. The Yellow color is standard on the end panels, but the Avalo Isolation Cart is also available in all Beige with Yellow drawer accents only.
- Lightweight
- Durable
- HDPE Exterior Material Design (non-metal)
- Modular (Drawers, Height Options, Handles and Accessories)
- Looks Great in Yellow
- Is available for Demo

The AM-10-MC Isolation Cart shown here is a healthcare market leader and American River Medical’s “Mobile Solution Spotlight” winner for March 2015
To learn more about this Isolation Cart give American River Medical, LLC a call at 800-2eight5-23hundred, view our Isolation Cart product page here, Request a Quote or Demo here, or Connect with us here.
All in all, the Avalo AM-10-MC Isolation Cart is our “Mobile Solution Spotlight” for March 2015, a leader in it’s market, and a True Solution.
About – American River Medical, LLC is a medical manufacturers’ representative group of True Solutions. The team is focused and purposeful in serving clients’ complete medical cart and storage experience. The commitment to clients is demonstrated through service centered representation of only the best brands. American River Medical’s cart and storage systems improve quality of patient care through optimized storage of equipment, supplies, medications, and data. ARM’s core competency in carts and storage combined with value-add services and strategic partnerships deliver a proven, unique, and refreshing value proposition. True Solutions.