Point of Care Refresh with Capsa

Point of Care Refresh with Capsa
El Dorado Hills, CA USA – Point of Care Refresh with Capsa Solutions Rubbermaid Healthcare. American River Medical performs “Mobile Computing Fleet Analysis” for hospital information system and nursing informatics teams in hospitals. This provides and indepth report of their existing technology platforms utilized to power their EHR’s.
Mobile computing carts and workstations continue to play the most vital role for hospital EHR technology platforms. Mobile computing carts are powerful, mobile, ergnomic, and intuitive. Healthcare professionals constantly utilize their carts for EHR management and optimal patient care.
The Problem
The current problems is an age old problem of the technology curve: Obselesence. Since the mandatory implementation of Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) circa 2012 many hospitals are experiencing mobile computing fleets that are simply outdated, underpowered, and aesthetically used and abused. EHR is paramount to patient care outcomes in the following ways:
- Patient healthcare record data access and input
- Medication Administration and Dispensing
- Revenue Charge Capture
Collectively these represent major character roles in any successful healthcare setting. The paramount function of patient healthcare record data collecting and access, medication administration and dispensing, and revenue charge capture requires a technology platform that can exececute at speeed and accuracy of today’s modern age.
Outdated point of care technology platforms are burdensome on hospital information system teams. Thus, outdated mobile computing carts are not only inhibiting a hospital’s ability to perform they are costing them valuable resources in ongoing deferred maintenance and operation.
The Solution
Performing as an individual team, point of care mobile computing carts and workstations are the empowering trifecta. They empower clinical healthcare professionals, hospital pharmacy staff, and EHR patient record and billing staff. How your point of care mobile computing fleet executes these functions directly impacts a hospitals ability to deliver optimal patient outcomes and the bottom line.
Point of Care Refresh 2017
Hospitals engage American River Medical to perform “Mobile Computing Fleet Analysis.” With a team approach from our product manufacturer Capsa Solutions Rubbermaid Healthcare we provide hospitals with a comprehensive analysis that includes detailed focus on performance, power, compliance, technology interface, and ergonomics. By performing this analysis we demonstrate where a hospital’s mobile computing fleet has been, where it is now, and what it looks like in the future along the same path or with a “Refresh” of new technology in the form of an advanced fleet of mobile computing carts.
Hospitals that practice continual improvement in patient care and outcomes will review their EHR interface technology. The mobile computing cart and workstation is the pinnacle hardware technology interface in that equation.
Contact American River Medical to schedule your Point of Care Refresh with Capsa Solutions Rubbermaid Healthcare today by calling 1-8hundred-2eight5-twenty3hundred or emailing here and scheduling your Mobile Computing Fleet Analysis