TRU-D SmartUVC Exhibit Arizona GCC-APIC
April 2, 2014 / / Comments Off on TRU-D SmartUVC Exhibit Arizona GCC-APIC

Phoenix, AZ – USA – TRU-D SmartUVC will be on display and demonstration at this years Grand Canyon Chapter American Prevention & Infection Control (GCC-APIC) convention.
Friday April 18, 2014
Black Canyon Conference Center – 9440 North 25th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ
Exhibit Hours are: 10:40am-11:10; and 12:10-1:45pm.
A keynote session not to miss is being held at 8:00am titled; Best Practices for Disinfection of Non-Critical Surfaces and Equipment. Renown expert William A. Rutala PhD., M.P.H. is the speaker delivering this address.
American River Medical and MedSpec, Inc. will be on hand to answer your questions about all things TRU-D SmartUVC Room Disinfection. We hope to see you there!