"What is the name of your Company?"
As shared by Founder and President Taggart Neal - 2013
History - In 2008 a Central California hospital was preparing to create our first purchase order and they said, "What is the name of your Company?" Growing up in the foothills of Sacramento, the American River was an omnipresent part of my life. The American River represents great memories and growing near the river was a blessing. Our new company name, American River Medical, came naturally.
AMERICAN - America is a land of opportunity - and I am grateful. I was born in Northern California and served in the US Navy. I have traveled this great land of ours, and countries around the globe. My formal education was attained in Arizona, and I learned to speak Spanish while living in Mexico. I appreciate what it means to be an American. Today my companies are incorporated in Arizona, and we have domestic and international partners. True to our heritage - American River Medical has delivered a uniquely USA standard of passion in serving our clientele throughout the United States. I LUV adventure and interacting with great people of the medical industry.
RIVER - When a river runs free it is true and fulfilling it's purpose. The outcome of that river's life is dependent on it's source. River's are mighty, abundant, and powerful enough to sculpt a mountain or decimate a civilization. Ultimately rivers embody a capacity for life - the life source of all living things - Water. Like a river, American River Medical shares our knowledge and experience freely with our clients. We pay attention to our source; including our source of information, influence, and products insuring they provide optimum benefit and value to our clients. I LUV fulfilling our purpose in the medical cart and storage industry with a passion for client service excellence.
MEDICAL - The medical industry is a confluence of technology and innovation. Uniquely satisfying in the medical industry is the direct sense of impact and gratification when solutions are applied to patient care settings and outcomes. Medical carts are a paramount storage application in the healthcare environment. Many types of equipment - pharmaceuticals - data - and supplies require security and mobility for bedside, emergency, and planned patient care. I LUV seeing American River Medical grow and crystallize it's role as a service based company in the medical cart and storage space.
What does American River Medical mean to you? Share your story, experience, or other American River thoughts or see what others have posted in our client experience here - we'd LUV to hear from you!