Medical Cart Definition – Define What You Do – Project

Medical Cart Definition – Define What You Do – Project
El Dorado Hills, CA USA – American River Medical has launched a project to officially define the commonly used word phrase “Medical Cart” for the benefit of the greater medical cart industry. Originally defined online in 2011 by American River Medical, now the project is going in front of the dictionary officials at Merriam-Webster for review and acceptance.
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Project: Medical Cart Definition – Define What You Do
What: Define What You Do – After eight years in medical carts around 2011 American River Medical President, Tagg Neal, heard a motivational speech which said, “Define What You Do.” He had dedicated nearly a decade of his career to medical carts and asked the question, “What is the definition of a medical cart?” After research he found it had never been defined – a definition did not exist. He performed a process to define the word phrase “Medical Cart” which was used dozens of times a day in his life. After distillation and refinement he posted his proposed definition on this website in 2011 and it has been American River Medical’s working definition ever since:
Medical Cart – noun, /med-i-kul – ‘kart/; “Mobile systems, solutions, or workstations that optimize the storage, mobilization, and access of healthcare equipment, supplies, medication, and electronic data.” -American River Medical, LLC
Who: American River Medical is a innovation, design and service company focused on medical cart and storage systems for healthcare. We welcome the opportunity for potential project collaboration
Why: Our mission is to provide medical cart systems, services, and solutions that make healthcare professionals’ calling more meaningful, efficient and effective
Example: The hospital utilizes various “Medical carts” to optimize the storage, mobility, and access of medical equipment, supplies, medication, and electronic data for their staff’s practice of healthcare
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Who We Are: American River Medical is a innovation, design and service company focused on medical cart and storage systems for healthcare. We embrace project based work, collaboration, and thinking “Outside the box” that offer opportunities to positively impact medical cart system solutions for healthcare. We fuse our experience to apply innovation where inefficiencies exist, and creativity to apply design improvements for medical cart system solutions. True Solutions. We are a certified Veteran Owned Small Business and a sought after diversified supplier for hundreds of healthcare systems. As a medical professional, you’ve dedicated yourself to patient care. Our mission is to provide medical cart systems, services, and solutions that make your calling more meaningful, efficient and effective.